November news

Here we are half way through November and busy with outdoor gardening whilst the weather is dry (cold, but dry!). There is just so much to do - spring bulbs to plant, produce to harvest, ground in the fruit cage to be dug over for all the new fruit bushes, trees to be checked... the list goes on. Inside the growing house there is lots to do with tidying out raised beds and hydroponic systems.
We still have lots and lots growing - including tomatoes, wonderful salads, chillies, herbs, beans, strawberries and potatoes. There is still fresh produce for sale and our bags of kale are becoming popular - Alison has popped some suggestions for cooking on the reverse of the bags.
Di gave the children in Mrs Muir's class, at Achiltibuie Primary School, our largest pumpkin for Halloween. They had lots of fun carving it and sent us drawings of pumpkins - we were so impressed by their wonderful handwriting and in particular the children in Primary 1.
At the end of October we stopped opening at set times but Di is up most week days so visitors are always welcomed.
Not much to report on the progress of the new visitor centre - waiting for groundworks to commence so hopefully not too long to wait.
Achiltibuie Garden now has a "loyalty scheme" for mail order customers - everytime they spend £10 in a singel transaction we send them a leaf and once they have collected 10 leaves the completed card entitles them to £5 discount off their next order. We will also have a similar scheme for our cafe customers next year.
We are now on Facebook so why not look for Achiltibuie Garden and become a friend - another way of keeping up to date with what's happening here in Coigach.