Achiltibuie Garden Blog


Achiltibuie Garden Blog


Wednesday, 2 November 2011

November at The Garden

With the clocks having gone back at the weekend we are just getting used to it getting dark early. As October was drawing to an end it became warmer and I can't believe I spent the last day of October working outdoors in short sleeves! The temperature hasn't dropped yet so long may that continue.

As with last year we still have lots of produce growing at The Garden: tomatoes, strawberries, chillies, courgettes, squashes, cabbages, kale, salads, herbs, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, chard...

2011 has been a bumper year for produce sales - we sold in excess of 1200 bags of salad (100+ kilos!). We are working on plans for new systems to enable us to increase production next year so we can keep up with demand.

The good weather just now means we can get on with the outdoor growing areas - Alison has a big sack of daffodil bulbs to plant for spring colour and Di has been working away in the fruit cage.

We have started sowing for next year and now the seed catalogues are coming in I am enjoying spending time looking for different seeds to sow next year. This year Di had sourced some fantastic new salad leaves and they have proved to be so popular that we need to add to them next year.

Now we are into "winter mode" The Garden is no longer open to the public every week day but we are hoping to be working down there most mornings so visitors are welcome to come down and visit.

Our friends at The Summer Isles Hotel have been busy attending award ceremonies - winning the Highlands Restaurant of the Year to name but one! Well done to them and we look forward to continuing to supply them with our quality produce.

During November we are giving all our customers who spend over £50 (excluding p&p) an Acorn Pot kit, worth £6.90, with our compliments. These kits are so useful and make great gifts - in the growing house we are using ours for geraniums, chillies and tumbler tomatoes.

As part of Breast Cancer Care month Alison and I took part in a Zumbathon in Ullapool - it was great fun and thanks to Fiona and Aileen for organising it and the staff at Ullapool Leisure Centre for all they did for the event.

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